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About Us

One-Stop Solution for SMEs and Mid-Tiers

Plixstar is a one-stop solution for mid-tiers and SMEs, offering an online circular marketplace for sustainable materials supply and demand matchmaking. Through Plixstar, businesses can effortlessly connect with suppliers or customers online, increasing the efficiency of their business matchmaking.

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Our Vision
To create a digitally connected plastic B2B industry powered by data, leading the way for sustainable innovation.
Our Mission
To provide an online B2B circular marketplace where sustainable materials meet supply and demand, ensuring an efficient and eco-conscious business ecosystem.



( R I S E )


Services We Offer 

i. Optimized Sourcing, Trading, and Collection

ii. Real-time Updates: Price Trends and Reports

iii. Plixstar FlexCredit Solutions

iv. Digital Marketing Strategies

v. Business Matching Services (NEW!)

vi. Sustainable Products (Recycled/Upcycled)

Products We Offer 

Product Plixstar B2B Offer

Our Partners

Our Achievements

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